Sunday 12 January 2014

Book Reviews: 旋风百草 《光之初》,《心之萌》,《红之绽》,《爱之名》/明晓溪

哇,花了几天的时间我终于把3本(现在只差《爱之名》)读完了!读完《光之初》后我还真的蛮开心的。为什么呢?因为我本身并不是很喜欢太过于爱情的小说,总觉的读多了会很腻、很无聊;而故事的情节总是围绕这“我爱你”,“你爱我”之类的。*咳*~所以慢慢的,我偏向那些比较与众不同,比较不一样的情节故事。(*≧▽≦) 总觉的这一类型的小说比较好看!

好啦,明晓溪的书也已经上市一段时间了。。。但因为我并没有很多的时间阅读所以现在才开始阅读。。*惭愧* (▰˘︹˘▰) 好啦,希望大家会喜欢我的简介!(#/。\#)







在训练营时,金明珠的父亲,金一山在大众下说出了曲向南当年的“丑事”而使百草非常生气;便向金一山宣战!但是金明珠哪不会生气,她对百草在三年前的松柏道里战胜了她而还抱怨着,所以便代替她的父亲出战了。紧接着的是一连串轰动的挑战赛:松柏道馆 V.S. 昌海道馆,任何一个观赛者可是为自己的队员捏了一把冷汗呀,现场的气氛可是浓的很呢!赢的话,金一山和金明珠必须向百草道歉便从此不在提起曲向南的事,但若她输了旧必须向两位道歉并永远不再练习跆拳道。百草。。。会赢吗?说若白总是不太理会百草的事情除了跆拳道而在百草不知情的情况下帮她报名了“美少女跆拳道大赛”,说起来他还挺可爱的嘛 XD 再紧接着便是若白、廷浩、初原、百草、亦枫、晓萤和光雅的故事了。大家可要继续往下读哦!百草的爱情大门要展开咯!!


Sunday 3 November 2013

Movie Reviews: Escape Plan

Ever since I have watched the trailer when I went with my brother to watch City of Bones, I told myself that I must watch this show when it's out! So here I am, giving my two-cent worth of reviews on this movie!

Movie Reviews:
This is a movie about a guy named Ray Breslin who is a structural engineer whose job is to ensure that all prisons are escape-proof and he spends his life doing this. Therefore, he will stay inside numerous prison with made up names and crimes ; study the prisons' designs and guards' habits to find and exploiting their weaknesses in enabling him to escape without a hitch. One day, he and his business partner, Lester Clark are offered a multimillion dollars to test out a top-secret prison and Breslin chose money instead. Who knows that this would be a setup, none of them except Lester who is the mastermind behind it. Only until his colleagues, Abigail Ross and Hush grew suspicious that Ray's paycheck was frozen. Is this a setup to kill Ray or is this just another prison to test for? Find out after watching it!

Guess what, I really feel that the designs for this prison is so damn cool shit and awesome! Such a concept!

Highly recommmend to watch it! Thumbs-up!

Thursday 22 August 2013

Movie Reviews: The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones

Jace Wayland, Clary Fray, Alec Lightwood, Isabelle Lightwood and Simon Lewis

Hope I am not too late to be doing this review. I am not really the type of person that watch movie that are related to runes, ancient all these kind of genre but my brother want to watch this and so I agreed. It turns out to be a really cool and interesting movie to watch! Yet, I must say City of Bones was not all action-packed throughout the show but there are humour added to it and it really made me laughs XD

Movie Reviews:
City of Bones had quite a few animated scenes in it especially those cool runes that can be written on hands and used it as a magic power. (How cool is this?) Clary Fray is the descendant of the Shadowhunter Family whose mother, Jocelyn Fray was once a shadowhunter. In order to protect Clary ever since she was young to not get in touch with the demons, part of her memories was blocked with a powerful spell by Magnus Bane. However, as Clary gets older year by year, Jocelyn was being instructed to reseal the spell once she noticed Clary started seeing or drawing the rune symbol because that would be the symptom of the weakening of spell. Nevertheless, Jocelyn never fail to go back to Magnus for the procedures.

However, one day Clary was out with her bes friend, Simon who was in love with her to a club and she was the only one that could see Jace and partner was killing a demon which she does not know what it is at all. She screamed out loud catching the attention of everyone surrounding her, including the Shadowhunters who looked back at her, shocked. She was utterly bewildered about how people could not see what was going on except her, even Simon could not see anything amiss.

Soon, Jace appeared before her and was equally confused about how she could see them as well and that's when Clary saw the rune symbol on his hand and prompted him about what does it mean.

Subsequently, a series of events starts to happen and she began to know about the Mortal Cup that her mother hid it and refused to hand it over to a person called, Valentine (bad guy basically). Therefore, in order to protect her mother and to fight back from those demons who keep pestering her on handing over the Mortal Cup, Clary joined the rest of the Shadowhunters.

Well, of course there are "love in the air" going on and humorous scenes here and there. Overall it was a really cool show, totally awe over the animated demon dog who can be so disgusting and scary and awesome!

Recommended to watch this!

Monday 17 September 2012

Movie Reviews: Ted

Guess what he's trying to do? XD
Alright, initally I wasn't really keen on watching Ted when my friend suggested to me. Well, you could say I'm never the type of person who will watch this kind of show where the content consist of sexual jokes. hahah yes, M18 shows that I will watch probably will be horror movie.
Well, since I agreed to watch with my friend and I am kinda curious about the type of movie that Ted will be like so let's get on with the reviews yea. :)

Movie Reviews:
Ted is a nice and hilarious show (it's comedy yea) that will make you laugh most of the time at the first-half of the movie. Not much of laughing at the second-half not until when the movie is ending. Jokes are just jokes only when you don't take it seriously or feel offended when you hear it.

Alright, so basically the movie is about a little boy called John who received a teddy bear for christmas present and he wished that his bear would REALLY talk to him since he was not a popular guy when he was young. When the cute little bear with cute voice comes alive and talk to John, it was like magic. When news spread like wildfire around the world, everybody feels that this is the most beautiful and magical thing that could happen. Overnight, Ted got famous!

Years later, no one really remember how wonderful Ted was and soon it just died down. Ted starts to lead like a human lives, on drugs, flirt with girls, trying to have sexual activities with girls etc as a carefree bear.

Gradually, when John and Lori (his girlfriend) love relationship got worsen. Things changed.

Overall, Ted is a nice movie without those sexual jokes and stuffs, but I guess it wouldn't be hilarious without it yea?

Highly recommended for people who love this type of movie. :D haha

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Movie Reviews: BRAVE

Hi guys, I'm sure all of you knew that BRAVE is out this august and is a DISNEY Film under the production of PIXAR. Here I am giving my own personal reviews in regards to this movie, it does not have to do with anybody or anything. Just wanting to share my own thoughts on how this movie had inspired me. :D

Movie Reviews:
BRAVE is simply awesome! The moment the movie starts, you will be awe by those complicated yet beautiful landscapes that appears right before the big screen. The whole movie talks about how Merida, the girl in the photograph (above) who is not anywhere feminine like how a princess should behave. She loves archery so much that during free day where she need not be tied down by her mother, the queen's lectures on how should and should not as a princess behaves; she will ride on her cute little horse, carrying her favourite bow and starts shooting on the target board. All nail on yea. She would climb rocks and get to the peak. I like how not feminine she is, just the way she is and how she choose her own life. As she is so stuborn when her mother told her about the betrothal and that's why she and her mother relationship got worse.

A little spoiler here. The photographs above show her shooting for her own fate. As we all know that princess or prince in a country will have a match for other islands' kings to bring their prince or princess to fight for their future partner. In this case, it's the same too. However, Merida requested the match to be an archery and it totally surprise me when she said she's gonna decide her own fate by joining as a candidate as well in defeating those princes. She's a tough one yea. xD

As I watched the movie, it comes to me that I'm a little like her in one way or another. I love freedom, I will go all out just to get my freedom just like how she quarrel with her mother for not concerning her own feelings, listening to her. In fact, all parents are the same. They care for their children's welfare and neglecting the fact that their children might not like it and believe in them that they will do well.

Yes, we should choose the person that we love and not be decided by anybody else just because they think that it will do us good. Not saying that it's not right, just that we all have the rights to Live, Love and Laugh just the way we want it.

After a series of events, Merida and her mother relationship improved and got a lot better than before. Both of them changed and Merida realised how blessful she is whenever she met with any trouble or scary moment, her mother is always, always be by her side.

I'm so glad that such a movie was being produced. I'm sure whoever watched this will feel the same as I am. Parents, they are always saying things for a reason. Do not misunderstand them, do not feel that they are not thinking of you. In fact, they ARE thinking of you ALL THE TIME. Perhaps the method is wrong, perhaps it's not obvious enough for you to realise until you are older.

I highly recommend all to watch this. It's really worth the price. ❤

Thursday 13 October 2011

Movie Reviews: Real Steel


I am not the kind of person that would go for this kind of movie, it always kind of worries me whenever I am exposed to action movies. I always feel that I could not appreciate and cannot understand how the story being told by the producer. Yet, this time this movie is being chose my my friends and I decided to give ita try since I seldom watch action movies. It turns out that this movie was really awesome! Love the robots, it is so high-technology and look super cool!

Movie Reviews: Real Steel is about using robots to fight, it's just like boxing but this time it's robots helping you to fight and you control them using romote control. Some of them possess power and position have advanced technology that uses computer to control the robot. It changes the way the robot attacking the opponent by sending back the fighting results to the computer. It's really super duper awesome! Through this movie, I can feel the persistence, never-give-up spirit, the guts to fight and bet everything in, the trust you have for your own robot although it is just a mechanism that helps you to win. Let that aside, I feel that we should also have that kind of human spirit in our life. Whether you have hit the rock bottom or you have succeeded in your life, this kind of spirit should always be in you every single second.