Thursday 13 October 2011

Movie Reviews: Real Steel


I am not the kind of person that would go for this kind of movie, it always kind of worries me whenever I am exposed to action movies. I always feel that I could not appreciate and cannot understand how the story being told by the producer. Yet, this time this movie is being chose my my friends and I decided to give ita try since I seldom watch action movies. It turns out that this movie was really awesome! Love the robots, it is so high-technology and look super cool!

Movie Reviews: Real Steel is about using robots to fight, it's just like boxing but this time it's robots helping you to fight and you control them using romote control. Some of them possess power and position have advanced technology that uses computer to control the robot. It changes the way the robot attacking the opponent by sending back the fighting results to the computer. It's really super duper awesome! Through this movie, I can feel the persistence, never-give-up spirit, the guts to fight and bet everything in, the trust you have for your own robot although it is just a mechanism that helps you to win. Let that aside, I feel that we should also have that kind of human spirit in our life. Whether you have hit the rock bottom or you have succeeded in your life, this kind of spirit should always be in you every single second.

Sunday 25 September 2011

Anime Reviews: No. 6 ♥

Hur hur I have already finished watching No. 6 many days ago, a shounen ai anime. =w= Gomen ne~ for not be able to write the reviews for this show in time. I really really really want to write the review for No. 6 as soon as possible but I was busy with group hangout and work. Once again, hontoni gomen ne minna-san! :(

Sion who is a promising boy that live in one of a cities called No. 6 where some people called it a utopia city. It is one of six remaining cities that created by The Babylon Treaty after the last great war that devastated the city. On one raining night when he met a boy who called himself Nezumi, Sion's life change completely. He unravel the deepest secrets that are beyond his imaginations. Overall, this anime feels so sour, irony and depressing. Just imagine your own city always knows what's going on around you, make you wear a bangle that check your ID once you step inside No. 6. Well, I'm not trying to say that this show is just sad in general. Just that.. you are kind of living in a city full of lies, deceiving people that your city is so good that everybody that is living here will have no worries about losing jobs, leading a poverty-stricken life. However, it is true that a city like that will put one's mind at ease. Yet, the fact is that the city doesn't trust anybody except the capable and genius types of people like Sion. They treat people who talks bad things about the city like dirt. Sion who is so innocent about the outside world, the real world thought that everything can be resolve just by having the third option. Nezumi who had been through the tormention of suffering hate No. 6 and sworn to reveal the unsightly truth about No. 6 which he had been investigating for a period of time. Whenever I see how innocent, naive, and pure Sion is, I always feel bad for him. A person who protects, cares, concerns, finding the third option, keep working hard to bring the Western District and No. 6 together can't seem to be working. It's just like, someone who is working so hard to achieve something just couldn't make it and at the end you have to lose your best friend, endure the pain of losing someone dear to him. However after that he was confident that he can bring peace together :D Nezumi who turned from a coldness person to someone who care about others and of course Sion. Unconsciously, Nezumi was influenced by Sion positive behaviours, who always care for others without a care of losing his own life.

The shounen ai part was nice actually >///<.. When you are watching the anime, you can actually feel that the shounen ai atmosphere was hovering in the air and it just don't hit the bulleye. Well, actually, the main focus is not on the shounen ai part but just providing fanservices here and there. Wasn't bad the entire anime [^-^v]

Sion and Nezmi
Source: zerochan

六等星の夜 [Rokuto Sei no Yoru] by Aimer
Source: youtube

Shall end with this happy image of Sion and Nezumi and the touching ending song ♥~

Friday 16 September 2011

Book Reviews: 《幸福樹上的紅蘋果》 - 朱茜菲

Source: google

你一定在想:“为什么我把我的博客叫做 “❤幸福树上的红苹果❤” 对吧?”呵呵。。这当然是有原因的。三天前读了一本华文小说,没错,书名就叫做《幸福树上的红苹果》。其实这本小说严格来说并没有什么特别的地方,可是这本书的内容却很可爱,让我觉得心痒痒的;很想要知道接下来的故事发展得怎么样。很喜欢作者朱茜菲如何形容爱情,事物和利用美丽的词语来表达故事情节。虽然到最后有点失望,因为希望的第二个男主角并没有把自己的感情说出来(其实也不太清楚他的意中人是不是那个女主角啦 x3)和女主角在一起。咳~ 有时候并不是每个故事都是我们要的结局,偶而会给你来个措手不及,让你的心变得很乱。静下心想一想,人生难道也不是如此吗?:D 不过不管怎样,人生是美丽的、是充满希望的、是充满精彩和激情的!一定要活出精彩哦!~~♥

Tuesday 9 August 2011

"Kuroshitsuji Movie Poster" x3

Presented by: ♥BISHIES FANGIRLS♥
Source: ilovefreesoftware